There are many website that sell sunglasses these days but not all of them are reputable, really what needs to happen is you have to do a small amount of additional research to be able to ensure you are dealing with a good company, otherwise your product and money may go missing and you'll be left wishing you had put in the extra work to make sure you didn't get scammed.
Before handing over any credit card information you must know a few things first, things to check out should include which product you want to buy, which vendor you want to purchase from and even price point, with these 3 based pieces of information you can gather a lot of information and make an informal decision to buy online, without it you are just guessing and hoping you don't end up with a scam website.
If this is your first time ordering shades online you are not alone in being cautious, most people only ever buy from a set amount of retailers, usually ones that have a brand name behind them or an offline presence, others are just to wary of paying money to a company that may be totally online based.
Part of the magic of the internet is that it's available around the clock to order from and the cost to get a website started is next to nothing but as technology progresses we have seen a rise in the number of criminal websites popping up that are exploiting people who have no idea about online safety, thankfully with a few simple checks and some common sense you can avoid the pitfalls of ordering online and instead enjoy cheaper products and a much wider product selection.
A great way to test out a vendor is to use their contact information, if they have a phone number then call them on a phone and make sure someone picks up, you can also visit them if they are a local retailer or check out their location on Google maps, you can also e-mail support and see how long it takes them to email back, if you don't a response within 48 hours then something is probably wrong with the vendor.
For total piece of mind you may ask around on your favourite social networking site to see who else has ordered sunglasses online and then just buy from the exact same vendor as them, after all why reinvent the wheel, if your friend has had no problems it's probably going be the same for you.