Don't you just love how you feel after getting a pedicure? Your feet are clean, they smell like heaven, and they are so smooth and soft in every aspect they could probably rival a baby's. And a pedicure isn't just for how wonderful your feet look afterward but the whole experience is pleasurable, a whole hour devoted to your feet, probably one of the most neglected parts of your body. And just think of how much stress we put them through day in and day out.
But alas this is the real world and it's not always easy for us to get to the salon for a foot spa, for some the reasons are financial, for others they just dislike having their feet touched, crazy hours at work, hectic schedule etc.
So why wait? Why not give yourself a treat? No time you say? Nonsense, depending on your mood you can do it while watching your favorite show, you can dim the lights, light some candles and put on some soothing music and just de-stress after a hard day. Here is a guideline for giving yourself a foot spa in your own home.
Step 1: Always start with a nice foot soak. You can either buy a bowl or tub big enough for your feet or if you want something fancier get one of those mini home foot spa's that produce the bubbles and massage your feet. I've seen them for as low as $20 in some stores. Soak feet in warm soothing water for at least 15 minutes after a hectic day doesn't only feel divine, it cleanses and softens the feet, which will help in making your feet smell lovely and make getting rid of any rough spots easier. It primes us for the second step.
Step 2: Exfoliate. After soaking, apply an exfoliator scrub to feet, this will help to gently slough away dryness and remove rough skin. A pumice stone comes in very handy at this stage. And remember gentle's the word. You're not trying to sand down an old piece of furniture.
Step 3: Once feet are soft, focus on specific problems such as achy feet/muscles, callus's, odor problems, cracked heel, dryness.
Step 4: Moisturize. Soft skin means it is well moisturized, always remember to nurture your feet with a good moisturizer so your feet stay silky-smooth and beautiful.
Step 5: Prepping. Massage cuticles. Clip your nails to desired shape. Apply a base coat so the color will go on smoothly.
Step 6: Apply polish. Rule of thumb, a single stroke of color will do for most of your toes, for the big toe you can add a couple more. Finish with a top coat.
And remember consistency is what will transform your feet from icky to pretty. No use doing all this and waiting four months to do it again. With time your feet will respond and automatically look better with less effort.