Have you ever colored someone's hair and were disappointed with the end result?
You probably did not follow at least one of the four basic rules of salon hair coloring used in the hairdressing business. Read more to find out what to do next time.
The first thing to do is to find the person's natural hair shade. You can find this by looking at the hair near the scalp. If you have salon hair swatches that show examples of color, lay these on the scalp hair and find the match to the scalp hair. Note exactly what the hair shade is. Is it light brown or medium brown? Is it dark blond or medium blond?
Second, determine the desired hair shade. The best hairdressing color results happen when the desired hair shade is within two shades of the natural hair. If the desired shade is more than two shades lighter or darker than the natural hair color, the result can be more difficult to achieve. For example, if the client has a natural hair color of medium brown, the best results would be to use a shade no lighter than a dark blond or darker than a darkest brown.
Third, determine the desired tonal value. Tonal value is the gold, ash or red tones in the hair. If the client wants light brown hair, determine if that client wants a golden light brown, ash light brown or a red light brown result. In the hairdressing business, the understanding of tonal values is what makes the difference of mediocre looking shade and absolutely beautiful salon results.
Lastly, determine the level of salon developer to use. Twenty volume of developer is not always the correct choice. If the desired shade is one shade lighter than the natural shade, use ten volume of salon developer. If the desired shade is two shades lighter than the natural hair color, use twenty volume of color developer. If the desired shade is three shades lighter than the natural hair color, use thirty volume of salon developer. For a desired darker shade than the natural hair color, always use ten volume of salon developer. In the hairdressing business, this is generally where the mistake is made. Do not forget to follow this simple step.
So, in review, the four basic hairdressing steps to perfect hair color every time is to first determine the natural hair shade. Second, determine the desired hair shade. Third, determine the desired tonal value. Fourth, determine the level of salon developer to use.
When you begin following these four basic hairdressing rules for hair coloring, you will find that you can achieve perfect salon color results every time. The more times you follow these four salon rules, the easier coloring someone's hair, with perfect results, will be. Finish the hair service with salon shears to achieve a trendy haircut and you will have a truly satisfied color client.