The pleasures I derive from my herb hobby has brought me many thousands of hours of enjoyment in my garden, my kitchen and in my hobby room where I am free to create such wonderful recipes for culinary, bath and beauty as well as gifts for special occasions. Herbs are too special not to be shared. I know of no other year-round avocation that is as creative, sensual, healthful, economical and useful!
There is nothing difficult or mysterious about growing herbs. If you can manage to grow marigolds, you can grow herbs. If you can scramble eggs, you can create a gourmet meal with herbs fresh from your garden. And if you can follow a recipe for your meals, you can follow a recipe to enhance your skin and hair care needs as well.
My herb hobby is very compatible with Hair-Remedies-At-Home and is based on my experience of over 30 years. I have been able to combine my love for herbs into such wonderful home hair remedies for my family and friends. The satisfaction and pleasures of using herbs are countless. Herbs can transform a basic shampoo into an exotic delight. They can cure a common ailment such as lice or rid a person of their dandruff problems. If you've run out of hairspray or gel....instead of going to the market, open up your kitchen cupboards and then pluck the necessary herbs from your garden to just whip a batch up, instantly. But, if you only knew how?
The key to creating these exciting and delectable substitutions for the commercialized products on the market to combine herbs with simple everyday ordinary ingredients such as vinegars, salts, lemons, baking soda, olive oil, coffee, honey, eggs and so many more.... each according to what's on hand and your own personal preference.
Here are just some of the fabulous "potions" you can create from herbs and other natural ingredients for your own home hair remedies:
How to Get Rid of Dandruff: A rosemary hair rinse will stimulate the scalp as well as prevent the reoccurrence of dandruff flakes. If you are looking for shampoos for dandruff, cedarwood, lavender, patchouli, rosemary or tea tree oil can be used as a scalp massage or mixed in with your shampoo. If you are having problems with oily hair, consider using tea tree oil. For dry hair, use rosemary.
Natural Hair Remedies for Hair Loss: Lavender has been shown to reverse hair loss. Traditional remedies for hair loss include rosemary and sage as well.
Home Remedies for Hair Lice: Include a mixture of tea tree oil, rosemary, oregano and thyme. Geranium, citronella and lemongrass may also provide help.
Hair Products for Growth: Consider recipes that include rosemary, which is a great stimulator for the hair follicles. It also helps greatly in strengthening the hair and cleansing the scalp.
Graying Hair Remedies: For brunettes there's rosemary and sage. Blondes use chamomile.
Shampoo for Hair Falling Out: A massage with rosemary, lavender and thyme added to your shampoo will not only stimulate the scalp, but will also add shine and luster to your hair.
Herbal preparations have many other beneficial qualities. For instance, if your spirit requires a boost of energy and you also suffer from dandruff, mix some lemon, grapefruit or thyme in with your rosemary rinse.
Lemon, grapefruit and thyme are meant to be energizing.Clary sage, rose and ylang ylang are euphoric.Rosemary, clove and oregano are stimulating.Lavender, bergamot and frankincense are soothing and calming.Patchouli, sandalwood and myrrh are grounding whereasChamomile, sandalwood and lavender are relaxing.Now take a step back for a moment. The next time you run out of your favorite shampoo or conditioner, wouldn't it be wonderful to step out your back door, pluck a few leaves off your lavender or rosemary bush, mix them together with a few ordinary items from your kitchen cupboard and whola! You have just whipped yourself up a batch of home remedies for your hairs ailments without even spending a dime. You will also be comforted to know that it was prepared without any chemicals or other toxins that might have been contributing to your hair dilemma in the first place.
By creating your own naturally made home hair remedies, you too will become more self-sufficient, self-reliant as well as achieving a greater satisfaction within yourself. Who Knows? You may even want to start a Natural Remedy Business of your own someday!
From the Desk of Kali S.Winters