History has taught man different lessons not be obsessed with color, creed or race but man doesn't seem that he has drawn its lessons. Is it really a wise thing to be obsessed to a fairer skin? Or is it even worth it?
One must forget that in case of trying to change the color of our skin, we try to mess with nature! Nature or God (or according to some interstellar dust!), if you want to see it, made out of this world and every being within it. Everything in this world with a purpose. It Is wise enough to change the course of nature to achieve the cheap thrill?
The Anatomy of the human skin
Human skin is composed of different cells, tissues, sweat glands, hair and stuff. There is also a pigment called melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin. The more melanin, the darker the skin. Some researchers even claim that making the skin bleacher can decrease the melanin content, resulting in the weakening of the skin.
The skin gets her melanin content based on the nature of the environment. If the skin a stronger under-layer must fight against external forces such as heat, the more melanin. If not, it doesn't have that much melanin. This is all as simple as this!
In addition, the skin is extremely sensitive and plays a central role as the first line of defense against foreign bodies to act. Can we afford to play with this?
How this could have started
The color white symbolizes always energy, activity, brightness, clarity and such. We get a good feeling when we see snow or when water assumes that a white color as with a fast flowing stream of water or a waterfall of a mountain and such. We also like white flowers, celestial bodies such as the Moon, the things that we daily such as coconut milk, rice, salt etc. This can be said of each color, and as a matter of fact, purists claim that white not a color in itself, but only the other colors, as explained in the age-old prism experiment. However, we don't seem to be obsessed with wanting the another color as the color of our skin, such as with white color.
Why is this so?
A reason may have been the natural taste of humans to this color as explained above. Also it may be that no matter what breed they belonged, White-skinned people, who began conquering the world was. Those who like explorers, saw opportunity to expand their empires in the so far unknown world and has to make this world theirs. This symbolizes the authority. People want to have permission. They immediately associate this trek with something that is easily visible: color of the skin!
Not many people had the guts to venture into the unknown world and don't stop with that, but to the wages of wars with the natives and even go they win and make the country theirs. Peoples of the world have surrendered to this courage. This is not always true, but always the exception revolutionaries than the rule. People liked this courage and even though it's a coincidence that white men this courage, they were willing to attribute to the color of the skin.
There are many many a discovery and an invention which has come to the world of the American and European regions that consist of a majority of white people. The immigrants may have a different skin color, but that's what they are: immigrants. It's another thing that even those wars and made land them immigrants were, and they fought the natives and won their lands. However, it is too far in the past that we tend to forget that they also immigrants once upon a time were.
Here again, the wisdom and intelligence wrongly attributed to the color of the skin of the discoverers and inventors. Not many people agree with this position and rightly so, but many people at the back of their minds have such a thought, at least in the form of doubt in their minds or this could be true even by a certain amount.
A fairer skin with golden hair and blue eyes, sometimes green eyes is a killer combination that anyone could caress. This is undoubtedly a secret understanding in the minds of most non-white people in the world, whether they are willing to reveal or not. Although it is another thing that all that beauty can not always be attributed to the color of the skin such as there are other functions in the face and the total amount that contributes to the beauty, have people still secretly this notion tilted to a white skin.
The Get fairer Brigade
Businessmen have long understood this psychology and products which would might make for a fairer skin, "just so" a euphemism for White, perhaps is created! The amazing number of people buying these products only confirms what has been discussed so far. If not, why are people from Japan or China or other Asian countries their her golden brown color?
If we fail to see the connection, or we are harmful or we're not looking at the trends of the world today.
But Is it all worth it?
As explained in the opening of this article, the color of the skin corresponds to the geographical constraints and is only a physical phenomenon. It's only a coincidence that white men began ruling the world and arguably more intelligent than other peoples of the world.
This being said, it's worth a significant amount of our hard-earned money on get-fairer products only help some establishments mint more money.
We, as sensible and smart people should think about this. Let's not be obsessed with the color of the skin, hair or eyes. Instead, let us concentrate on the uplifting of society that we live in, make the world a better place to live in terms of harmony, resources such as water and energy, economy and so on.
As the saying goes, "it's a good thing that beauty is only skin deep or would I rotten".
Disclaimer: The opinion is personal. Resemblance to a live person or society is unintended except transfer at the point in the frame. Comments observed different are unintended and due account should be taken to remove/rephrase them if spotted and marked.