The Laser Hair Removal group was conceived and created to bring together the very best laser hair removal experts from all over the United Kingdom, so that customers can search, compare and evaluate of specialized clinics in that environment.
Of the laser Hair Removal groups Member clinics offer pain free laser hair removal using the latest, revolutionary technology, the new soprano XL.
What is the soprano XL laser and what makes it special?
The soprano XL is the first system to offer of laser hair removal painless and in total comfort, the sensation is even compared with a hot stone massage. Not only this but the soprano XL is the first system that can be used safely and effectively on all skin colours of the from black to white and everything in between.
The soprano XL combines the "gold standard" laser for hair removal, the 810 laser Diode, with new, revolutionary high fluence, rapid pulse, IN-Motion-technology. Not only the new IN-Motion delivery technique assures safe and laser hair removal of the effect, but it also eliminates the problem of missed spots or uneven coverage that is very common among other laser systems.
How does it work?
The soprano XL uses what is widely recognized as the benchmark in laser hair removal technology, the 810 diode laser. Where the soprano XL differs from other laser systems is in how the his energy to the area of the treatment.
Traditional lasers concentrate one pulses of high intensity light energy to small areas of the skin, usually 1 cm squared, for heating the hair follicle enough to damage and prevent re-growth; Unfortunately, this energy is absorbed by the surrounding tissue and can cause adverse side effects such as burning and in some cases even scarring.
However, the soprano XL delivers continuous fast pulses of light energy and is applied in a profound, paint brush as, motion which means that the energy is spread over a much wider area give it a more even and soft distribution of energy and greatly reduce the risk of such adverse reactions.
In fact, while the heat, light or high energy treatment poses risks and side effects are where a problem with traditional lasers, reduces the soprano XL the chance of adverse side effects to levels approaching zero, even on dark skin who have previously untreatable due to the fact that dark skin absorbs heat/light energy much easier than the light colored skin.
All in all, thanks to the new technology used in the soprano XL, this system has proven time and time again as one of the most effective laser hair removal treatments available while also among the safest and most comfortable.
Liverpool Epilight new clinic of the skin
Epilight new skin is one of the first clinics in the country to offer the new light/laser treatment for permanent hair reduction, the soprano XL.
Experts in their field and with training and equipment to rival of the leaders of the industry of the world, they always on the cutting edge of technology in what one of the most fast-moving industries in the world.
Epilight new skin clinic has more than 15 years of experience in the use of laser and other high-tech treatments, including Pixel laser skin resurfacing, photo-rejuvenation, wrinkle and scar treatments, laser tattoo removal, Accent radiofrequency, Acne treatment, leg vein removal and skin tightening using near infrared technology, as well as a whole series of other not laser related skin and beauty treatments.
With thousands of satisfied customers, you can be sure that you are in the safest of hands and that you receive only the very best. Epilight new skin clinic Liverpool is governed by the Committee on quality assurance.
An Introduction to Laser Hair Removal group members-Liverpool